About Me


With a remarkable track record of transforming aspirations into tangible successes, Coach Brefo stands as a beacon of leadership and transformation within the high-stakes world of business and personal development.

His journey from a trailblazing student who defied the odds by graduating debt-free without parental support to becoming an authoritative figure in the insurance industry speaks volumes of his relentless commitment and visionary approach.

#1 International Best Selling Author

As an author of a #1 International Bestselling book, Coach Brefo has not only shared his wisdom with the world but also proven his mettle by consistently generating an Insurance book of business over $1 million in annual premium.

His leadership prowess is further exemplified by his ability to coach sales professionals into six-figure earners, with several surpassing the $200,000 mark under his guidance.

Wait, There’s More!

Leading by example, Coach Brefo has helmed organizations comprising over 53 dedicated individuals, steering them towards unmatched success. His accolade as the head of the #6 Sales Team out of 2,500 teams internationally is a testament to his strategic acumen and the ability to inspire peak performance in others.

Having invested over $100,000 in his personal development, learning from luminaries like Tony Robbins and Dr. Joe Dispenza, Coach Brefo embodies the lifelong learner's spirit. His journey is not just about personal accolades but about uplifting others, sharing knowledge, and fostering environments where leaders can thrive, innovate, and lead with impact.

With Coach Brefo, leaders and aspiring achievers find not just a coach, but a mentor, a strategist, and an unwavering supporter committed to their journey towards excellence and beyond.


At SKB Quantum Consulting, we empower leaders to transform corporate cultures and ignite a legacy of excellence. We are dedicated to guiding high-achieving managers and executives to not only realize their full leadership potential but to also create environments where their teams can thrive, innovate, and achieve unparalleled success.

Our mission is to catalyze profound organizational change, fostering spaces where vision aligns with action, accountability is celebrated, and excellence becomes the standard.

We commit to providing transformative strategies, unwavering support, and actionable insights that enable leaders to elevate their influence, inspire their teams, and leave a lasting impact in their industries. Together, we are not just building businesses; we are shaping futures, cultivating leaders, and redefining the landscape of modern leadership.


Our vision at SKB Quantum Consulting is to foster a global community of empowered leaders, who are not only visionaries within their industries but also catalysts for positive change, impacting thousands by cultivating environments of accountability, innovation, and excellence.

We envision a world where these leaders transcend traditional boundaries, inspiring their teams and communities to achieve more, thereby collectively raising the standard of success and fulfillment in business and beyond, creating a ripple effect that transforms the very essence of leadership and organizational culture across the globe.


  • Nothing is more important than honoring yourself and others with honesty

  • Choosing our best in each moment

  • Being A student of the game

  • Doing what expands who we are

  • Seeing who we are as a unique individual that brings value to this world

  • Openness of thought and feeling paves the way for change
